A study commissioned by Web security company AVG Technologies and the Chief Marketing Officers Council (CMO) points out an interesting contradiction between people’s concerns and actions regarding security risks on social networking sites. The summary report says that “while the majority of social networking users are afflicted by web-borne security problems, less than one third are taking actions to protect themselves online.” Unfortunately, the data provided to the media as of Tuesday afternoon says very little about the study’s methodology, lacks the actual questions asked, and in some cases lacks the actual percentages of responses. It did, however, say that the data is based on “responses from a random sampling of more than 250 consumers.” It was conducted online during second quarter of 2009. The report didn’t specify how they developed a random sampling–a difficult task for Web-based surveys. In addition to the small sample size, it’s not clear how they derived the sample and whether it was truly representative of the population they were studying. Read full article at http://news.cnet.com/8301-19518_3-10318034-238.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5]]>