Unable to create directory /wp-content/uploads/2009/01. Is its parent directory writable by the server? The solution that worked for me was to simply update the path of the media upload directory in WordPress (Settings / Media) to “wp-content/uploads” or leave it blank to force default. For some reason this field had something like /home/”some other stuff”/wp-content/uploads. After making this change I was able to upload with no problem. Other possible solutions (these did not work for me but it will be good the check)
Check the directory and file permission. You can do this by accessing your control panel or use a tool like FileZilla to connect to the server. The default settings when you create a directory with GoDaddy are 705. Using FileZilla you can change then to 755 and see if it fixed the issues. Refer to the file attributes on the side image to make these changes.
- Disable all security plugins and try. If it works then enable each plugin at the time to see which is causing the problem and address it accordingly
- Check to see if you .htaccess file is restricting the uploads directory for some reason