September 17 will mark the 222nd anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. To celebrate, have planned a major push in their campaign to amend the Constitution with the inclusion of fundamental parental rights. Here is a copy of their email news letter on how to get involved. ——————————————————————————- We would urge as many of you as possible to begin now to ramp up for our Constitution Week efforts. Parental Rights may seem less pressing, but they are every bit as important as fighting socialism. Here are some things you can do to get ready: 1. Help with our membership drive (see right). It takes money to continue the kind of efforts we have successfully carried out this summer. By donating just $25 or more, you can become a member and support our ongoing efforts. Encourage all your friends to join as well! 2. Gear up for the phone call blitz. Yes, we will be calling Senators and Congressmen that week. Invite your friends to join our email network now, so that when the word goes out to start calling, they will be ready to receive it and act! 3. Take our lobbyist training seminars. We know most of you will be at home that week, but some of you may be coming to Washington, D.C. If so, join us for lobby training on Friday, Sept. 11 and/or for our Capitol Lobbying Day on Wednesday, Sept. 16. We’d be glad to try to get you an appointment with your representatives that afternoon. Just email us! 4. Join our Get-Out-the-Calls campaign. If you or your organization can, help us encourage your friends to call both houses of Congress. Just as on Election Day it is important not only to vote, but to get your friends to vote, so during Constitution Week it is important not only to call, but to get as many people calling with us as we can! For more info or to volunteer, please email Eric Lansing. 5. Write to your local paper. Submit Op-Eds or Letters to the Editor that may be run that week. 6. Contact or call in to local talk shows. Continue to engage national t.v. and radio hosts as well. (A more focused national media campaign of this sort will be coming soon, but for now we want the word to be everywhere, so call who you watch or listen to.) 7. Post fliers on local bulletin boards or deliver them door-to-door. Let people know the importance of the Amendment and urge them to join in the call campaign. When we asked you to call before, we shut down the phones at Ambassador Susan Rice’s U.N. office in June. It will take a lot more calls to shut down the Capitol switchboard, but with a few weeks’ notice, maybe we can do that as well! Our Constitution is beset on every side. Let’s celebrate Constitution Week this year by letting Congress know we still value our founding document, and we want to preserve it as the vital protector of rights that it has been since 1787!]]>